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2017-01-14 - 12:26AM

Strung up upon a golden chain
A heart of glass, that calls my name
It gives a glimpse of the gifts held inside
The curves spread wide, casting a glimmer to find

I gaze upon your shine
But you reflect me so unfairly
It is not in a natural sense
To hold me with such care
It misrepresents the attraction
And misinterprets the reaction..

Heart of glass, what you hold is worth it
A quenched desire for men who thirst it
But you dangle and sway, as a babe in cradle
So fragile, yet unafraid of the danger

There is a price to pay the longer we wait
It would seem some things were meant to break
And your price tag increases as you twirl for me
But you can’t afford what I cannot be

And what would you know
Of the shadows you cast?
Spread with the spectrum
Of each color’s passing

Dizzying decisions
But I’m caught in the reds
Oh, heart that I play with
Can’t you see a different end?

For I see you for what you are
But I don’t see you as a start
My love is also on a chain
A different way, in my heart


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